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Snake – Cancer

Chinese Name:  SHÉ

Rank:  6th

Hours Ruled:  9am – 11am

Direction:  South – Southeast

Season:  Spring

Month:  May

Western Zodiac Equivalent of Snake:  Taurus

Taurus’ Western Element:  Earth

Eastern Zodiac Equivalent of Cancer:  Sheep

Cancer’s Western Element:  Water

Snake’s Eastern Fixed Element:  Negative Fire*

“You can’t stamp out individuality – there’s too many of us.”

–   Cindy Lauper


When the potency of the Snake’s earth joins the Crab’s silent waters, presence meets creativity giving these creatures the nerve to promote themself and their ideas even when they are ahead of their time and out of the norm.  There is much overlap with these two signs; both are cold-blooded creatures that are sophisticated, quietly confident and desire to take charge.  The Snake comes from a more cerebral place and the Cancerian, the more sensual, so with two different types of data flowing, the processed information tends to be broad, full and smart.  Despite both of these signs being quite ambitious in their own right, the Cancerian’s huge heart manages to overrule the more ruthless aspects that often lay dormant, which makes them prioritise romance, love and sensual conquest.  It is for this reason, work only takes precedence when they have found and are happy in a romantic partnership.  In fact, if they can find a Monkey or a Rooster partner, their work life tends to excel prolifically because they will know how to promote their talents perfectly.


There are many singer song writers of this combination: Cindy Lauper, Jason Mraz, June Carter Cash, Bebe Buell, even Liv Tyler sings; this combination is a soulful creature that feels alive when it is expressing the contents of its heart.  Cindy Lauper has said, “When I sing I don’t feel like it’s me. I feel I am fabulous, like I’m 10 feet tall. I am the greatest. I am the strongest. I am Samson. I’m whoever I want to be.”  When they feel this empowered, they want to leverage it to lift others to higher state of consciousness.  As Jason Mraz has said, “Music is a weapon in the war against unhappiness.”


The women of this combination are soft, sensual and charming.  Their sense of humour comes as a surprise, especially as they look so cultured and sophisticated; nobody expects them to be as spicy as they are.  Of course, there are those Snake-Cancerian women who choose to be as spicy on the outside as they are on the inside.  Singer Cindy Lauper has said, “Humour is a great vehicle for getting a message across. If you get too serious, you could die of starch.”

Model and Singer Bebe Buell dubbed a “legendary beauty” by the industry, she was also the first fashion model to pose for Playboy and was fired by Ford Modelling agency for it.  Not that it stopped her, she signed with Wilhelmina and continued to work.  In fact, Mick Jagger (see Sheep Leo for Mick Jagger) said that she was who he would have accompany him “when I dine with royalty.”  These women are intelligent, classy and have a raw youthful sex appeal something akin to innocence, without being innocent.  Talking about her daughter, Bebe Buell said, “It’s so beautiful to watch her ’cause she loves every second of performing and just glows. She’s so brilliant.”  She takes after her mother in more ways than many may know as she shares her mother’s astrological combination.  Talking about her mother, Liv Tyler said, “…She had all these beautiful clothes and makeup, and in the bathroom all her jewelry was pinned to the wall… When she went out, she would always say, “Don’t get into my stuff!” and the first thing I would do was go mad dressing up.”


When these women really fall for someone, they cannot help but put them completely first; when Liv Tyler found out the truth about her parentage, Buell removed herself from the public forum and functioned behind the scenes.  Similarly, when June Carter Cash partnered with Johnny Cash (see Monkey-Pisces for Johnny Cash), she too removed herself.  Talking about this she said, “I’ve been really happy just traveling and being Mrs. Johnny Cash all these years. But I’m also really happy and surprised that someone wanted me to make another album, and I’m real proud of what I’ve done.”  As she should be, the Snake-Cancerian’s talent is such that it cannot be oppressed for long; even Bebe Buell continues to perform.


The men of this combination are interesting to know as they present like they are of the aristocracy, upstanding, well-read, authoritative… but more discerning types soon realize that this is just another Snake projecting another image to be seen to have “value” that they don’t actually believe in themselves. In actuality, they are rougher, gruffer and ready to serve their own needs first.  Naturally, introverted, they struggle with how they are going to make an impact whilst maintaining their subtle air of cool.  Milo Ventimiglia has said, “I’m tough on the outside and soft on the inside […] I’m really a shy guy… I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t do anything … but I bowled like a crazy mother…”  As previously mentioned, this combination prioritizes love above all else, so it comes as no surprise that Jason Mraz said, “I want to be surrounded by women, I want to be snuggled and cuddled and pampered.”


All Snake combinations are born teachers, more specifically, mentors.  They get a kick out of altering people perceptions, getting them to believe in themselves and serving as inspirations.  Yes, they like to be looked up to too, it is the best way to serve the Snake’s ego, but that aside, you cannot argue with their results; they inspire people to get out there, get involved and create change.  Talking about her activism, Cindy Lauper said, “”I’m a bra-burner from way back!”


With a powerful connection to all things spiritual, concepts such as the law of attraction or cosmic ordering just make sense to them and they are able to use them easily in a concrete way.  Speaking about letting go of one’s physical attachments, Jason Mraz said, “Surrender to life itself and you’ll just be rewarded with so many things.”  Despite all of the ego serving behavior, image projection and materialism that Snake signs indulge in, there is also an intrinsic understanding of the futility of these things; it is only when this realization penetrates the paradigm through which they view their daily lives that they let go and experience true freedom.  This reconnects them to the cosmic flow of life, that stream of well-being that brings them a constant barrage of blessings whilst highlighting the beauty of all the smaller things that they missed before.  Cindy Lauper has said, “You always have to remember – no matter what you’re told – that God loves all the flowers, even the wild ones that grow on the side of the highway.”



Prince George Alexander Louis

Milo Ventimiglia

Liv Tyler

Bebe Buell,

June Carter Cash

Cyndi Lauper

Jason Mraz

Jeremy Kyle

Jaine Murray

Ashley Scott

Alex Winter

Mindy Sterling

Robert Forster

Robert Pine

George Clinton

David Kelly

Rajendra Kumar

Phyllis Diller

Susan Hayward

Lena Horne


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Rule of the cosmos changes hands on the 10th February, as the dynamic Dragon passes the baton to the scandalous Snake.

Sensual, sophisticated and sagacious, the power of the Snake creeps up on everyone inconspicuously, yet, forcefully, in such a way that it is undeniable. Its confidence is intoxicating, its subtlety, potent, and its wiles are enchanting; these are the qualities that will be lent to all in the year of the sexy Snake so make use of the serpent superpowers wisely while they last. But beware you don’t go too far, for this is the year of scandal!

Accept the Snake’s influence gratefully and decide that this is the year to make your dreams a reality. Just like the game, Snakes and Ladders, people are presented with many risky opportunities, some are ladders that will fast track your progression and some are slippery Snakes that will slide you back to where you started. Risk is risk and the game is the game. Aided by the Snake’s confidence, most people will choose to play! How to reap the maximum effect expending the minimum amount of effort is the goal. But what is the best strategy? Why, it’s the Snake’s strategy of course: observe, analyze and then strike quickly!

Snake years are known to be full of intrigue, unsolved mysteries and epic world events. The Orientals believe this to be the year where things come to a head, the lowest point of adversity and despair. Some circumstances may be impossible to take charge of, so patience, perseverance and learning to adapt become important. The crash of 1929 and 9/11 occurred in Snake years.

Political affairs and commercial contracts often start suspiciously, but relations improve as both parties warm to the personal values of the other, rather than the counterparts’ professional proficiency. Cooperation and collaboration is important in this year because without mutual respect, negotiating and compromise is difficult. Snake years are known for discontent, arguments and the years where wars begin.

On the other hand, it is a great time to make sense of your life, open yourself to the universal powers that be to receive answers to longstanding problems and engage in romantic explorations. Meeker signs benefit from the infusion of the Snake’s quiet confidence and make huge strides personally and professionally, whereas stronger signs, much like last year, need to be careful not to overstep the mark; power is esteemed, but direct rebellion will be met with an immediate response.

Major advances in science can be expected, especially relating to DNA. Media will continue to expand even faster than expected and the travelling industry may also see some unexpected developments. Artistic endeavors flourish under the Snakes watchful eyes and money seems to come out of nowhere to encourage people to express themselves, especially through dance, theatre and fine arts. Fashion becomes more elegant and fluid, autumnal colors seem to be prominent all year round as are subtle pastels; sophisticated glamour is the way of all things fashion.

Although this is deemed a somewhat dark year, do not be put off from moving forward in a purposeful way; the Snake is both the wise Sage and the sneaky assassin; there is knowledge to be gained from both sides of its nature. Lending all its’ daring, boldness and outrageous nerve, the Snake likes to see people make use of these qualities and will put obstacles in your way to test them. If adversity does hit, be like the Snake, wait it out until the time is right to make your move, because the time will definitely come, but you must be focused, prepared and have your eye on the goal so that you can attack in a second. Then you will see nothing but ladders for all the Snakes will be egging you onwards and upwards. Make use of the Snake’s confidence, charm and courage and you will not regret it, in fact, it could be the year you never forget. 2013 is the year of the Snake.

dragonRule of the cosmos changes hands on the 23rd January 2012 when the refined Rabbit passes the baton to the dynamic Dragon.

Brave, benevolent and busy, Dragon years are packed full of dramatic activity making them exceptionally memorable. The Orientals believe this to be the year of good fortune and luck. Many will consider moving house, getting married, having their first baby or making some other significant life change at this time. Tradition suggests it is also a good year to start a business.

As the only mythological creature in the Chinese Astrological cycle, stories, rumours and folklore surround the Dragon adding intrigue to its already vast presence. In the last Dragon year, 2000, the millennium bug had people in fear that life would be changed forever as a result of a technological error; this year 2012, the Mayan calendar ends which has some people fearing the end of the world is nigh. More often, what people are sensing is the arrival of revolutionary change which inspires awe although some interpret this as fear.

Get ready for some action as the Dragon will create all manner of fun, placing it squarely in your way until you’ve worked your way out of that part of the labyrinth. Then it’s on to the next level. As the valiant Dragon influences everyone to be more courageous, people tend to take on a lot more than they would otherwise. It’s not uncommon for people to get second or even third jobs. Money is not scarce and everyone is wearing their ego right next to their heart on their sleeve.

Meeker signs really benefit from the infusion of fire power the Dragon lends, however, tougher signs such as the Ox, Snake and Dog may have to err on the side of caution as this extra thrust can sometimes fling them way past the boundary lines into precarious situations. It’s wise to maintain a healthy perspective without developing an exaggerated sense of self which is akin to these regal monsters.

The Rat year 2008, offered the vision, the Ox year 2009, provided intense labour to lay the foundations, the Tiger year 2010 was the year to market the product, the Rabbit year 2011 was the year to make adjustments to increase profitability, the Dragon year 2012 is the year to consider a complete change in direction. Do not forget, Dragon years are revolutionary.

Opportunities will be everywhere but you must be prepared to put in the hard work. The Dragon rewards hard graft magnanimously and you may be surprised at what gifts you get with your pay packet. Make use of the Dragon’s influence and clout as more can be achieved in this one year than in the following three combined. It is the year where rags can become riches. But beware, all events are magnified, the ups as well as the downs.

Like the giant grandiose creature that the Dragon is, his year will be filled with extravagance, excitement and developmental challenges pushing all to their limits and ensuring that they take their responsibilities seriously. Expect lots of laughter, fun and sparkling entertainment. This reptilian beast is a host of the finest kind who lives up to his larger than life image. He toys with everyone but if you keep your sense of humour, you will win his affection and he will reward your spirit generously. It is a year to arrive with a plan, be prepared to improvise when the unexpected strikes and savour every joyful moment. 2012 is the year of the Dragon.

Rule of the cosmos changes hands on the 3rd February 2011 when the tempestuous Tiger passes the baton to the refined Rabbit.

Artistic, diplomatic and lover of luxury, the Rabbit influence is likely to encourage positive changes that improve upon current living conditions. The Rabbit nurtures but at a distance; circumstances may arise that provide opportunities to better your state of affairs, but only if you are prepared to work hard. This time it is the Rabbit dangling the carrot; it is up to you to decide whether the prize is worth the chase.

In Chinese Folklore, the image of the Rabbit was imprinted on the moon by the deity Sakra, the ruler of the Trayastrimsa Heavens; when standing before Sakra, the Rabbit had nothing to give as an offering so he jumped into a raging fire offering himself up as food. This Rabbit virtue will fall upon all in 2011 and altruistic activities will see a rise in contributions. It is the year of selflessness and frequent little kindnesses that usually starts a snowball effect of positive energy.

After the ego serving year of the Tiger, the humility and lightness of the Rabbit comes as a relief. The perspective shifts from a self-focus to a group-focus. The Rabbit understands the human condition in a visceral way and when in the position of power likes to see that as many human needs are met as possible. People become more sociable, they laugh more, they recognise their own simple desires and commit to meeting them. Being one of the most romantic signs, the ground is exceptionally fertile for relationships to flourish and encourages all manner of sensual activities.

Traditionally, Rabbit years are seen as domestically oriented, peaceful and somewhat indulgent. But the Rabbit is also one of the most intelligent signs and will not retire without leaving his mark in the artistic, business and political realms. Significant changes take place. Tactful persuasion works better than brute force and if you act unjustly, expect a speedy karmic response.

The Rat year 2008, offered the vision, the Ox year 2009, provided intense labour to lay the foundations, the Tiger year 2010 was the year to market the product and the Rabbit year 2011 is the time to use the available intelligence to make any adjustments to increase profitability. It is also wise to get some rest and recuperation in before 2012, the eventful year of the Dragon.

The Chinese look forward to Rabbit years as they are seen as lucky. It is a mild sign in many respects but not when it comes to the emotions. Moments of high tension are usually equalled by moments of wild ecstasy. Also, there may be an increased general tendency to create a mountain out of a molehill.

The Rabbit loves to love and responds well to affectionate gestures. As long as you infuse everything you do with heart, have the best of intentions and strive to better yourself, this graceful creature will see to it that you succeed. 2011 is the year of the Rabbit.

TigerRule of the cosmos changes hands on the 14th February 2010 when the industrious Ox passes the baton to the tempestuous Tiger.

Fiery, wild and dramatic, the year of the Tiger promises excitement by the bucket load. Never content with the quiet life, the Tiger takes action to ensure life is full of glitter and gold, even if it means rocking the boat to get it. Emerging from the quiet and conservative Ox year, the shift to the Tiger influence could come as a bit of shock.

Rebellious, powerful and proud, the Tiger likes to have things his way and sets out to make it so. However, he makes impulsive decisions based upon whims rather than actual needs so is usually quite disappointed once the goal is reached. Even the more logical and emotionally aware signs will find this process in operation in 2010. It creates unnecessary obstacles, wastes time and more importantly, wastes mental energy on irrelevant matters. The Tiger and drama go hand in hand. Rarely will you find yourself bored in a Tiger year; you will be too busy trying to resolve the current palaver you are embroiled in.

Although he is a high achiever and secretly, a perfectionist, his overt priority is to have fun. And this will be a fun year. Lending everyone his magnetic charm and charisma, an environment for creative exploration is formed. How creative you want to be and in which area of your life is up to you. Relationships can be created and destroyed easily in this environment; though it is hard with this sexy Tiger influence, think through the potential consequences before you take any significant action. If your immediate priority is fun, then you’re in for a grand time.

Traditionally, Tiger years are seen as turbulent and tumultuous where disagreements, rash behaviour and collisions occur. It is an extreme sign so extreme conditions are to be somewhat expected. Politically, the atmosphere is charged and many secrets are uncovered that cause uproar. Even the weather tends to be dramatic.

On the other side of the coin, it is a year of innovation. The Tiger is bold enough to tread territory others are not. New controversial ideas are discussed and audacious decisions can be made to improve the lives of many especially those who have stagnated. Avoiding change is difficult in such an unconventional and unorthodox environment.

The Rat year 2008, offered the vision, the Ox year 2009, provided intense labour to lay the foundations, the Tiger year 2010 is the year of Passionate Creativity; it is time to market and sell the product.

Keep your own counsel and use the Tiger’s self-assurance to go it alone rather than joining with others in business ventures. This excess of energy can also be utilised to reinvigorate seemingly lost causes or failing industries. With the economic downturn slowly easing, an infusion of Tiger energy is exactly what is required to increase productivity and boost general confidence. A lot can be achieved in a short space of time but do not expect results immediately.

The Tiger likes to play and ultimately doesn’t take life too seriously; if you keep this attitude too, the Tiger year could be a party of excessive indulgence. Just remember to consider the potential consequences.
2010 is the year of the Tiger.