Years: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029, 2041,
Famous Roosters: Beyonce Knowles, Serena Williams, Jay-Z, Sean “Puff-Daddy” Combs, David Boreanaz, Ariana Grande, Britney Spears, Jennifer Lopez, Natalie Portman, Catherine Zeta Jones, Dolly Parton, Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, Diane Keaton, Joan Collins, Joan Rivers, Amy Schumer, Dawn French, Ellen Degeneres, Cate Blanchett, Rene Zellwegger, Gwen Steffani, Julia Stiles, Jason Priestley, Mathew Perry, Joss Groban, Amy Lou (Evanescence), Michael Caine, Edward Norton, Christian Slater, Josh Holloway, Roger Federer

In Conflict with: Rabbit
I am the critical calculator, the cerebral conservative, the quality controller. I am the last to sleep and the first to rise for my service is necessary and my goals, paramount. Of course, I am a special child of nature, less the common farmyard bird and more the peacock. My head-comb shines so brightly, it can blind, my wings are perfectly brushed and my feathers are stunningly fanned! I have to look perfect so the world recognizes my superiority. I need to be “on” all of the time, I need to be available, I have to be perfect! When I am not happy, you will know, for I am a cocky, cocksure, cockerel. I know what I’m cockadoodledooing about… even when I don’t! I am not critical, I am discerning! I am not impulsive, I’m confident. I listen to my head over my heart because my heart is an impudent child in an adult’s world. Discipline is necessary for all areas leaving the rest of me to dazzle and attract without any of my peacock-eyes leaving sight of the goal!
I am the Rooster.
Your Fortunes in 2024
Passion, prosperity and pleasure are on their way to you on a direct train. It is likely to be another hectic and busy year where you will go from one drama to the next, loving every second of it. Your work life takes a turn for the fantastic where you will be given greater power, more money and openly commended for past efforts. It’s important to keep focused on all of the gifts that keep entering your life at the moment because there will be down times where you feel a lack of control in certain circumstances. Turn your attention away from the lead and focus on the gold. With the increase in your finances, you may be able to make some new longer term investments. On the personal front, Dragon years are known for their celebratory tone so rites of passage or significant life events are likely such as falling in love, marriages and births. Your biggest joys will come from the places you least expected. You just feel more alive and infused with sparkling energy that affects all aspects of your life.
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